Monday, March 14, 2011

Where is Water?

Where is water? If all the water on Earth was worth $100, how would it be distributed?

Salt Water( Oceans)- $75
Frozen (Glaciers)- $5
Fresh Water- (Lakes, Rivers, Rain, Groundwater)- $20

Oceans- $97.20
Frozen- $2.15
Ground Water- $0.62
Fresh Water Lakes- $0.09
Salt Water Lakes and Seas- $0.08
Soil Moisture-$0.05
Atmosphere- $0.01
Streams- $0.0001

Wow, I was way off! I knew the oceans covered most of the Earth, but not 97%--and super surprised that the fresh water numbers are so low. I guess being surrounded by fresh water my whole life, I tend to think it's a huge amount:)

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